Drug Rehab Kentucky
For individuals who are dealing with drug, alcohol, or prescription medication addiction, the option to turn to a Kentucky drug rehab facility, is one that you are going to want to consider. There are many drug rehab programs in Kentucky that addicts can turn to, regardless of which drugs they are addicted to, what type of user they are, or how long they have been addicted to the drugs. So, whether you are looking to get into a drug treatment facility in Kentucky because you have just started, and fear becoming addicted, or whether you choose to check in to the drug rehab in Kentucky because you have been a habitual user for years. There are all kinds of addicts, in all walks of life who can get help from the top drug rehabilitation facilities in Kentucky.
Although there are other alternate forms of treatment, those who choose a drug rehab program in Kentucky will find it is the best option for the best treatment. Due to the fact that you are going to get off the streets, and away from the people and situations which initially led you to drugs when you are in the drug treatment facility in Kentucky, this is going to be the top choice for those who truly face the worst addictive behavior. So, choosing a Kentucky drug rehab center for treatment is something you are going to want to consider.
No matter how bad it has gotten, or how long you have been an addict, the right drug treatment program in Kentucky is going to be able to help you get through the trying times, and help you learn to cope with day to day stresses without having to turn to drugs. So, as an individual who is dealing with the pressure and addictive behavior, you will find that a drug rehab center in Kentucky might be the right choice of treatment for you to consider, ensuring you are able to get past the addiction you are currently dealing with in your life.
In the state of Kentucky in 2009, over 3500 arrests were made for individuals who were pulled over for a DUI. In the same year, 201 fatalities occurred, and of these accidents, 190 of the fatalities were involving accidents where the driver was at a BAL (blood alcohol level) of the legal limit of .08 % or higher. Additionally, there were 212 accidents reported where the driver was at the .08 % or lower, where the death of another party, or the driver was reported. And, where the BAL was at a level of .01 up to .07 %, there were another 39 fatalities which were reported in the year.
In addition to the problems with drinking in the state, there is also a fairly high use of drugs, both prescription and recreational drugs, in the state of Kentucky. The ages of individuals who tend to use and abuse prescription drugs are individuals who fall within the ages of 17 to 30 years of age, while the reported abuse of recreational drugs have been found in individuals as young as the age of 14. There are various drugs which are abused in the state of Kentucky, namely marijuana and many opiate based drugs being the leading abused choices. There is also a fairly high percentage of individuals who turn to prescription pills on the market, which are sold by street vendors, in order to help them get through the tougher day to day activities, and help them get past the daily stresses their lives bring.
There is a fairly high drug market in the state of Kentucky, and since dealers have various outlets to bring drugs in to the state, they can pretty much get users any types of drugs they are looking for, and they will sell to any user, regardless of age. So, whether they are street and recreational drugs such as marijuana or cocaine, or whether users turn to prescription drugs and medication, the street vendors are more than willing to get them the drugs they are looking for, so long as they are able to pay the higher price to purchase these drugs.
Kentucky Census Data
According to the U.S Census Bureau, the population of the state of Kentucky during 2010 was estimated to be 4,339,567. The population for the year of 2011 in Kentucky was reported to be 4,369,367 During 2010 in Kentucky, the residents who were under 18 years old made up 23.8 % of the population in the state.
During 2010 in the state of Kentucky, the U.S. Census Bureau reported that 87.8% of the residents were of Caucasian origin; 7.8% of the people residing in Kentucky were reported to be African Americans; 0.2% were reported to be of American Indian and Alaska Native origin; 1.1% of the Kentucky residents were reported to be Asians; 3.1% were reported to be of Hispanic or Latino origin, and 1.7 % of the residents of Kentucky reported that they were of two or more races.
According to the 2006-2010 American Community Survey, in relation to the sex and age for the total population of the residents of Kentucky, it has been estimated that 2,105,483 people in the state were reported to be males and 2,180,345 of the population were reported to be females. Of the total population in Kentucky, 278,301 were reported to be under 5 years old; 279,743 reported to be 5 to 9 years old; 285,142 of the residents of Kentucky were reported to be 10 to 14 years of age; 298,415 reported that they were 15 to 19 years old; 288,226 reported being 20-24 years old; 558,362 of the residents of Kentucky were reported to be between 25 to 34 years old; 593,950 reported being 35 to 44 years old; 634,200 were reported to be 45 to 54 years old; 279,452 of the residents of Kentucky were reported to be 55 to 59 years old; 230,003 of the residents of Kentucky were reported to be 60-64 years old; 310,316 were reported to be 65 to 74 years old; 181,376 were reported to be 75 to 84 years old and 68,342 of the residents in the state of Kentucky were reported to be over the age of 84.
According to the 2006-2010 American Community Survey estimates for the state of Kentucky, in relation to education, 234,819 of the residents have reported having less than a 9th grade education; 308,968 have reported that they attended four years of high school, but did not receive a diploma; additionally, 982,494 students who reside in Kentucky reported being a high school graduate, which includes individuals in the state who have graduated by completing general education equivalency courses. In relation to college education, 560,162 of the residents in Kentucky have reported attending college, but did not obtain a degree; 188,587 reported that they have earned an Associate's degree; 345,689 have reported receiving a Bachelor's degree and 235,282 of the residents of Kentucky have reported having a graduate or professional degree.
According to the 2006-2010 American Community Survey estimates for the state of Kentucky, in relation to employment status, 2,056,333 of the residents in the state that were 16 years or older were reported to be a part of the labor force; 2,038,921 of Kentucky residents were part of the Civilian labor force and 17,412 of the people who resided in the state were reported to be a part of the Armed Forces. 1,327,466 of the residents of Kentucky that are over the age of 16 reported that they were not a part of the labor force; additionally, 167,390 of the residents of Kentucky reported being unemployed at some point during this period of time.
According to the 2006-2010 American Community Survey estimates for the state of Kentucky, in relation to the occupation status of the civilian employed residents, 588,176 reported being employed in a job that was related to management, business, science and art occupations; 301,897 of Kentucky residents reported being employed at jobs that were related to service occupations; 466,832 reported working in sales or having office jobs; 201,659 Kentucky residents reported working in construction, maintenance, or in jobs that were related to natural resources. 312,967 of Kentucky residents reported being employed in jobs that were related to production, transportation, and material moving occupations.
According to the 2006-2010 American Community Survey estimates for Kentucky, in relation to household incomes and benefits, of the 1,128,169 households in the state, 72,322 households reported earnings of less than $10,000 per year; 52,492 of the residents in Kentucky reported household earnings that were between $10,000-$14,999 per year; 120,880 reported household earnings of $15,00-$24,999 per year; 122,603 of residents reported household earnings of $25,000 to $34,999 per year; 173,066 reported household earnings of $35,000 to $49,999 per year; 231,132 of Kentucky residents reported household earnings of $50,000 to $74,999 per year; 156,445 reported household earnings of $75,000 to $99,999 per year; 132,186 of Kentucky residents reported household earnings of $100,000-$149,999 per year; 36,183 reported household earnings of $150,000 to $199,999 and 30,850 of Kentucky residents reported having a household income that exceeded $200,000. The median household income in the state of Kentucky from 2006-2010 was reported to be $41,576.
According to the 2006-2010 American Community Survey estimates for Kentucky, in relation to the marital status of males in the state from 2006-2010, 1,672,403 of the males who were 15 years of age or older reported being married; 496,990 reported that they never married; 904,074 of the males in Kentucky were legally married, but reported being currently separated from their spouse; 30,094 were reported to be legally separated; additionally, 46,817 of the residents in Kentucky reported being widowed and 85,926 of the males in the state reported being divorced.
According to the 2006-2010 American Community Survey estimates for Kentucky, in relation to the marital status of females in the state from 2006-2010, 1,672,403 of the females in the state who were 15 years of age or older reported being married; 413,437 reported that they were never married; 886,283 females in Kentucky reported that they were legally married, but that they were currently separated from their spouse; 42,974 reported that they were legally separated; additionally, 193,546 of the female residents in Kentucky reported being widowed and 233,999 of the women in the state reported being divorced.